HDYHAU Framework
Are you struggling to get the right signals and insight from your attribution model?
Even the most custom attribution models have inherent flaws. Supplementing them with “how did you hear about us” data helps to close these gaps. Our framework gives you a clear path to implementation.
Questions you can answer with our
"How Did You Hear About Us" Attribution
Where are my leads really coming from?
Your web analytics and CRM capture first-touch attribution based on what’s trackable, but the path to conversion isn’t linear. Introduce HDYHAU and let your leads connect the dots themselves.
How can I improve the accuracy of my attribution?
Traditional models often overstate organic conversion rates. By integrating first-party how did you hear about us data, you gain a more nuanced understanding of your lead sources and can iterate on your model.
How to start using the
"How Did You Hear About Us" Attribution
Download a copy of the HDYHAU implementation sheet, review your current first-touch attribution structure, and get ready to create some new automation in Hubspot.